The white dove (Tétouan)

mars 29, 2018

Because I carry always my camera, each article I will take you with me to a destination and our destination today is my city Tétouan.

Tétouan is a city in Morocco, located in the north of the country, in the Western Rif, also called Jbala country. The city is located about 60 km south-east of Tangier and near the Strait of Gibraltar.
Near Tetouan, there are several coastal tourist towns like M'diq and Martil, and holiday villages like Marina Smir and Cabo Negro.
The districts of Tetouan belong to three different types of architectural styles: the Andalusian style (the Medina); the Spanish style of the beginning and the middle of the 20th century (Ensanche) and the style after independence (outlying districts). Each style has more or less important variants in relation to the evolution of styles and materials used.

Here is some pictures taken by me:



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