3 Beauty hacks that every girl should know

mars 29, 2018

Applying makeup everyday make me discover some beauty hacks that every girl should know. I already know many hacks and today I will share with you some of them:

Lengthen lashes with baby powder 

Using false lashes everyday can damage your real lashes, so here is a great tip to get long lashes without damage your lashes. First apply a coat of mascara and after that dust baby powder over your lashes. Then apply a second coat of mascara. You can repeat it until you’ve got the result you want. The result looks very naturel!

Use lip balm on shaving nicks

If you are in rush to get out and you want to shave your nicks. I have the solution for you ! You can pop a little lip balm on a nick in tour skin and it will stop bleeding and help it to heal up faster.

Use baby wipes instead of makeup wipes

When you want to remove your makeup in the end of the day, you can use baby wipes instead of makeup wipes. They cost less than makeup wipes and they are gentler on your skin.
Baby wipes are always good to have around because you can use them to remove small makeup stains, food ….

I hope this hacks will be useful for all of you .If you are interested in others beauty hacks please let me know.

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